mercredi 22 août 2018

I Am Legend TV Project

Hi people

I was wondering if any of you have any helpful or interesting thoughts on something like Will Smith's collection of TV shows in 2014's I Am Legend.

Just like in the previous I Am Legend and Omega Man movies, Will Smith was not just any prepper, but an important disease scientist working on fighting the epidemic.

Towards the beginning of the movie, we see him watching a morning talk show from a huge collection of tapes- I think three years' worth. He must have sniffed the wind, and started saving them up. Maybe a good idea. VHS is ok if it's what you have or if you can find a deal, but something more compact might be what most of us prefer.

I'm just thinking:

1) Entertainment seems to be getting worse and worse- time to start project may be now, unless you want to be recording only TV that's either shameless propaganda or totally disgusting

2) You also may need to start now to get enough TV so that it will be a really good experience. Some people might be satisfied with three consecutive years of TV, but I think for me, it might be a bit of a letdown once I got to the end of watching those three years. We don't know when S will HTF, and you may not have time to record even three years, but point is- more TV should be better than less

Just a bit of fascinating prep from a movie, that's maybe worth discussing. I know it could certainly be that if you prepped, but never thought of that idea, you might feel really jealous when you met another person who did it.

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I Am Legend TV Project

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