mardi 14 août 2018

Low-T test results

So, gonna broach a touchy subject, but one that affects many a man.

Yup, Low-T...

For the past 12 + mos i have been struggling with various issues and have tried many a thing, from different diets, to increased exercise, to restrictive plans, to no avail.

Needing to take naps in the afternoon....

On the other side, i am still strong, can stalk trout for 8+ hours a day, though i am wiped out afterwards, my recovery is taking longer...

Still have a decent libido too...

at 53 i am not the same guy i was at 30, i get it.

So, off to the lab i go for my bi annual blood work, family history of various illnesses from heart disease, to cancer, etc., so i pay a couple hundred bucks and have full labs done.

well, my t score was 150....yikes, not good at all...

suggested levels are 700-900, too much and man boobs and all manner of issues arise, too little, and well....

so, my question is this? are there any men that will admit to this condition and taken steps to correct it?

if so, what were/are those steps and results?

or are there any medical folks who are knowledgeable in this matter who are willing to chime in?

I am seriously considering getting this treated using the Wiley Protocol that uses a cream based testosterone therapy and DHEA....

There you have it, i have searched the forum for this subject, no go, so i am putting it out there, and yes i expect some ribbing, so bring it on....

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Low-T test results

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