mardi 7 août 2018

Sewers & Sanitary Plumbing

This isn't a loaded post rather it is here to disucus issues surrounding sewers and sanitary plumbing.

The main issue is traps.... ok so say the water supply goes down... many people may not understand how wet traps work in that the water disappears, example you raid your toilet bowl and flush your toilet for the last time. The seal on that fixture may be gone. If you deplete your trap system then you may get sewer gases into your property. This is something to consider in a mid term bugin shelter in type situation. Many people may not understand the need to keep a solid seal or even plug sewer inputs into a property. Backing up of a sewer system is also possible, so floor drains into the sewage system can become a liability as well as any wet traps if the water seal isn't maintained.

Anyone with knowledge of this subject do add to it, as I am curious in event of a failure of a water and sewage supply what types of dangers exist in terms of sewage system backup, and loss of trap seals.

When does it become a safety issue rather than a odor nuisance.

For those with bugin plans, have you taken into consideration how your plumbing could create unknown risks? What steps have you taken to gas proof your bugin?

I'm wondering at what point can a catastrophic loss of sewers cause dangerous levels of gases such as hydrogen sulfide?

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Sewers & Sanitary Plumbing

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