samedi 4 août 2018

Shtf or teotwawki?

We have a LONG way to fall to get to a TEOTWAWKI type situation. I think STHF can cover everything between where we are at now, and that. The SHTF can happen in your day to day life under a completely normal modern stable life. Heck, for most Americans, there are billions of people on the planet living under SHTF conditions every single day of their lives. #1 goal, let us not have our country fall apart into that condition. Even a situation like Venezuela is having right now ( pretty much completely independent of a modern functioning world ) would just about destroy the average USA citizen.

I do think that a lot of people tend to overlook how sideways things can go in their day to day life and do not make good 'preperations' for that. This could include anything from a car crash, to a self defense shooting, home invasion, getting cancer, losing your job, etc. Don't fret too much, there is a lot of crossover in how to deal with those things and larger SHTF events. We also need to live life now and plan for something NOT happening.

It seems to me that a lot of people tend to focus on dealing with very unlikely situations on the fringe of possible that may indeed be 99.9999999% impossible to completely prepare for anyways. Even a very serious event like a large coastal earthquake or a Tsunami are not going to get us all the way to TEOTWAWKI. Aside from aliens or zombies, I don't see much out there that could completely crash the entire planet.

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Shtf or teotwawki?

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