lundi 13 août 2018

So you pull your pistol and you yell ....

Depends on where you are, and the targets intent.

Your home or property and defending vs not your home turf.

The only place I would hear that is in some sort of public venue, so my reaction would lean towards self preservation. No authoritative ID announced so I would be very circumspect of their intent.

Private property signs, no trespass are obvious.... There are also the rural no trespass signs that are not overt and you need to be able to recognize. You dont enter those areas without the "owners" consent. So that would negate me hearing that.

I know what I would do to defend me and mine... so I assume others would do the same or be even more aggressive than me. Closed gates and bells are thresholds you need an invite to cross.

Now being on the proactive side of the weapon, I would have to weigh the situation and hope I am correct in my decision, but I would be ready to STOP the threat in my home.

Outside the home aggressively defensive...... I wouldn't try to stop a situation unless it going sideways.... I would not try to stop a mentos thief

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So you pull your pistol and you yell ....

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