samedi 11 août 2018

Strawberry juice and pulp

FYI 15lbs of strawberries = just over 9 pints of strawberry juice concentrate and 2 quarts of pulp.

I'm planning on drying the pulp (in the freezer till I feel like dealing with it.) Into chips or fruit leathers, and mostly just drinking the juice (mixed with lemonade or other juces, or stretched with water.)

I may reduce some down into a sauce. I used to do that to pomegranate juce to put on pork and it was AMAZING. (I prefer raspberry syrup on icecream.)

While it's been a TERRIBLE year for fruit (except blueberries, I have quite a bit in the freezer) and I have a good amount put back from previous years (mostly the pears and peaches)
And I didn't get much own strawberry patch, I can pick them up pretty cheap.

So I'm trying to decide how much strawberry concentrate to put back.
A few minutes work (most literally waiting around for water to boil) and I have pint jars for <$1.50/pint.

So I'm trying to think of any other uses so I can decide how much more to buy. (Already have quarts and quarts of sliced strawberries frozen)

I can't do jelly as that's my mother's annual gift to me on Christmas or my Birthday.

Any suggestions? As it stands I'll probably do ~2 dozen pints

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Strawberry juice and pulp

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