lundi 20 août 2018

Survival for Hikers and Backpackers

If you are in a true survival situation in the wild, odds are a hundred to one you screwed up badly and in multiple ways. It is easy to say "Never screw up and you have nothing to worry about." Everyone screws up once in a while. However, it takes a chain of screwups to cause really bad trouble. If it didn't, I'd never leave the house. You are safer in the wild than you were driving to get there. The wild is a relatively benign environment yet holds danger for those who behave stupidly.

Be aware of the climate and the weather.

Before you go on a trek, check the weather forecast. That much is obvious but consider that the weather forecast may be off. A high of 90 and a low of 55 with a 20% chance of rain can change into a cold and wet mess if you happen to be in the area where 20% turns into 100%. 20% is a bad risk when your well being is on the line.

That isn't the whole story. The farther in advance a weather report is made, the less accurate it will be. For any trip longer than a weekend you need to know the climate. What are the normal high and low ranges? What kind of precipitation is normal for the area? Do you often get a lot of wind? Is it normally dry or is the air often humid? You aren't just looking at the weather at the trailhead, look at the microclimates you will be traveling thru.

A lot of wilderness areas have micro-climates, areas where the weather is substantially different from nearby. A simple example; for every thousand feet of elevation gain, the temperature drops an average of 3-5 degrees. Higher elevations get hit by stronger winds, heavier storms, and lightning. You definitely want a quick way to retreat below the tree line when trekking the mountains or gear up accordingly for the extreme weather.

In hot weather, you may want to go up in elevation. But also understand the mountain sickness can become an issue if you get up to 8000+ feet so go slow and acclimate.

Here is another example. You're camping in a nice warm valley. During the day the wind will blow gently up the valley because hot air rises. The sun sets and cold wind blows down the valley because cold air sinks. If it is a narrow valley, those winds can become very fast, fast enough in some places to demolish a tent. Now you are freezing and your tent is flapping in the wind.

If you are traveling through a slot canyon, accurate weather becomes a matter of life and death. Every year people die in flash floods in narrow places because there was a rainstorm a hundred miles upstream.

Know your limits.

It is not uncommon for people to collapse after hiking in triple digit weather - and it didn't matter how much water they had.

Or lose so much mental acuity from dehydration (or fatigue or hypothermia or fear) that they get lost where they shouldn't. Or people hiking on thru the rain when they should have buttoned up in a poncho or simply set up camp early. People thinking they can tool up a hill without first achieving some measure of cardio fitness and ending up having a heart attack. Pride and stubbornness are responsible for many outdoor tragedies. Pushing on because one imagines safety is just ahead. Or pushing on because they think they are tough enough to take it.

Hydrate more than you think you need. Stop and shelter before you think you need to.

Pushing your personal envelope is something one only does after careful and honest consideration of your capabilities. You know what you are capable of from experience, not from conjecture. There is no room for bravado. It is also not a good idea to do it if you have no plan B.

Start your outdoor adventures slowly, then work up to see what you are capable of. An honest and experience-based assessment of your ability will lead to better trip planning. The one thing you do not want to be in the wild is in a hurry. It is a prescription for error and injury. Finish every day knowing that you could have gone farther if need be. I honestly do not understand people who schedule themselves right up to the limit of their ability, as though there won't be all kinds of random delays. If you could complete 15 miles by pushing yourself, schedule 12 miles and rest for a couple extra hours.

Getting sweaty is a good way to ruin insulation. Layering is the key.

Tired people make mistakes. Hungry and thirsty people make mistakes. Cold people make mistakes. People who are pitted against a clock make mistakes. Do not push yourself to the limit and thereby avoid making stress-based mistakes which can kill you. Take more food, more water, more clothing and more time than you need.

You really do want to start small and work up, even if you are competent in some related sport.

Know your vehicle's limits too

It seems that every year there is some new story of someone getting their vehicle stuck in the desert or the winter. If they are fortunate it is an epic tale of survival. If not, it is a tragedy. So drive prudently and stay off those truck trails unless you have a vehicle designed to handle them. In the deep desert, you should go in a convoy.

No excuse not to carry a few gallons of water, blankets, and a box of food in a car. It will prevent you from being famous for how you didn't survive, stuck in a blizzard or spinning wheels in the sand.

Death by GPS

Vehicle GPS units are not trustworthy in remote areas. They will steer you onto long-abandoned roads and then you get stuck in the sand or the mud or the snow - and there you are. Twenty miles from nowhere on a track nobody else will be driving for the rest of the year. Don't go driving into the wild if there is snow coming. The road was clear on the way in but you kept going until you couldn't anymore and now you can't go back. Hope you brought lots of blankets, food, and water.

If you do get stranded in your vehicle, stay with it. Do what you can to modify it to be a better shelter for whatever environment you are in. It is far more visible than you are on foot. In the winter it has a heater, in the summer it is shade and it is always tight against wind and rain and snow. The radio can give you weather reports. There will always be a little fuel in the tank even if it is too empty to run. The battery can be sparked to start a fire. You have 5 tires, several quarts of oil and all kinds of plastics you can burn as a signaling device and there are multiple sources of insulation. Make a big SOS sign in the snow, the sand or with sticks. Brownie points if you have 2-way radio capability. Many places do not have cell phone reception.

Communicate your intentions redundantly

That means you have left a map of your route and your schedule and when to call out the SAR folks with someone who actually cares. Each of your hiking partners has done the same, right? No? Or you are hiking alone? Then at least leave a copy under the windshield of your car for when the Ranger comes to check out your apparently abandoned vehicle. Sign those silly trail registers as proof positive that you made it that far. Call in by cell phone when possible or text by a satcom device regularly. Brownie points if you make an aluminum foil impression of your boot print and leave that in the window too. Double brownie points if you notched the tread to make the footprint unique.

Be prepared to stay comfortable in the worst likely conditions.

That's the whole point in watching the weather. The forecast for 3 days from now is a high of 90 and a low of 50 with a 30% chance of thundershowers. That doesn't mean you don't go. It means you go but you are prepared to be completely comfortable at those extremes. You will have adequate rain gear to protect you and your pack. If you have to cross a creek, be prepared to fall into it (drybags). If the temp goes as high as 100 or as low as 40 and that shower turns into a storm, you'll be able to survive. Use the same logic for winter hikes.

If you get stuck out there an extra day and the weather turns bad you'll have the gear and supplies to get by. No sweat. Ah... but what if you sprain your ankle? Get bitten by a rattlesnake? One careless step and you are banged up, at the bottom of a ravine. Some thought has to be put into preparing for medical emergencies on the trail. Real first aid on the trail isn't band-aids. It is about sprains, strains, breaks, scrapes, and serious bleeding. It is about mountain sickness, diarrhea, ticks, poison oak, frostbite, hypothermia, dehydration, and hyperthermia. Take your wilderness first aid lessons from the Red Cross, from NOLS or REI and stock your first aid kit accordingly. (Mine has a literal mini-pharmacy in it as well. Every drug I have a prescription for plus every OTC medication I might want.)

Bushcraft skills

Bushcraft skills are a bit overrated. The ability to lay a campfire is a good thing to know but starting one from friction and sticks is a non-starter. The rule of thumb here is two is one and one is none because you should start from the assumption that something has gone wrong. Maybe your Bic lighter died. Or been lost. I like to have three independent means of starting a fire, say some waterproof matches, a lighter and a magnesium striker tool. Keep one in my pocket and in two different parts of my pack. For tinder, you can use Vaseline saturated cotton balls but my fave is a few drops of Coleman fuel.

But... it may simply be too wet to sustain a fire. Or blowing so hard you can't keep the stove going or it is so dry a campfire would be suicidal. And all that prep I just took you thru? Useless. Simply be prepared to be comfortable in the rain in a cold camp.

Navigations skills are more important. Know how to navigate with map and compass. It isn't tough and is an essential skill in the backcountry. Navigation without map and compass is also important. Using the sun and the stars and distant landmarks to keep going in the direction you want is how the Native Americans did it.

Or you could just stick to the trail. Most trails are obvious from heavy use. If you have to go off trail, do it at right angles to the trail so all you need to do is a 180 and you'll be pointed back. Leave obnoxious breadcrumbs along the way if it will be any distance. You are never lost if you can retrace your steps back so please, don't keep pushing ahead if you become unsure. Go back. In the west, you are often hiking in an area that is open enough you could just orient the map by landmarks and you can leave the compass in the bag.

A GPS unit is a wonderful thing to have - but sometimes not to be trusted in a vehicle. Have waterproof and tear resistant maps. A satellite communications device should be almost mandatory. However, both are electronics, subject to failure and dead batteries (Darn! I thought I turned it off!) and being lost in the current of that creek you fell into or maybe accidentally dropped over a cliff. So carry extra batteries and be prepared to not have it when you need it.

Do carry bear spray or another personal protection device in your favorite caliber if dangerous animals warrant it.

Stay calm

Really, there is nothing to fear but fear itself.

There is a certain kind of panic that sets in when you realize you are in trouble and help is 35 miles away and you've no way to get to it. Heart starts pounding, skin gets clammy, movement becomes jerky. You start looking around and thinking, "Oh my God what am I going to do!" This is usually followed by frantic action that may just make your plight worse.

Usually, simply standing still and remaining calm is the best course. If you are in immediate peril, (i.e. bear attack, avalanche, capsized watercraft, auto wreck, life-threatening injury) deal with it first and then slow down. Panic clouds one's judgment, destroys fine motor skills, and causes you to lose intellectual control over your actions.

If lost, STOP and think!

If you have any interest at all in wilderness survival you will have investigated the various risks you may encounter and learned countermeasures and mitigations. All that goes down the cat hole when your fight or flight reflex is engaged. Once the immediate danger (if any) has passed, sit down, close your eyes and take deep breaths. Maybe say a calming chant of some sort. The Lords Prayer and the 23rd Psalms will do. It may be a song that you know calms you down. Pray or think about your family.

Don't be the person who simply gave up and died. People and things you love - and don't want to lose - will give you strength. You will think your way thru this. You will analyze the problem, look at your resources and come up with a plan. You will execute your plan and come out on top.

If you want to accuse me of unfiltered optimism, go ahead. Negative thinking leads to giving up and that dooms you even when you have a fighting chance. The will to survive is more important than anything else when things fall apart.

Remember, Knowledge is Power and Safety

Knowing what is going on and how to handle it helps damp down the fear caused by uncertainty. There isn't enough time for me to get into details here. If you are really interested in wilderness survival, there are a few books I'd suggest. You want a well-rounded knowledge of the flora, the fauna, the climate, the geology, the geography, and the hydrology of the area. You want to know about risks specific to the area and solutions to specific problems. That is several books worth of data.

Basic Backpacking and Outdoor Skills - Backpacker Magazine
Be Prepared - Scouting Handbook
Audubon Field Guide
Peterson Field Guide
Camping and Wilderness Survival
- Paul Tarwell
Outdoor Survival Skills - Larry Dean Olsen
Red Cross Wilderness and Sports First Aid
NOLS Wilderness First Responder course

Where There Is No Doctor - Jane Maxwell
Where There is No Dentist - Murray D ickson
Survival Medicine Handbook - Joseph Alton
Be Expert With Map and Compass - Bjorn Kjellstrom
Finding Your Way Without Map or Compass - Harold Gatty
Pocket Guide to Weather Forecasting - Field Weather Prediction Guide - Ron Cordes
Deep Survival: Who Lives, Who Dies, and Why - Laurence Gonzales

For specific info pertinent to your local area, you'll need to start "Googling". You'll want to find out which Native American tribes lived in your area. Google the tribe name and you might want to add other terms like survival or ethnobotany. They are the final word on primitive survival. Likewise, do the same thing for the earliest non-natives in the area, be they long hunters or voyageurs or mountain men for survival with a touch of technology. There are often historic reenactment groups who can point you in the right direction. Falcon Guides has a great series on foraging written by one of the top men in the field. (I know Christopher Nyerges personally and he is top notch.) For my own area here in southern California I have:

Foraging California - Christopher Nyerges
California Foraging: 120 Wild and Flavorful Edibles from Evergreen Huckleberries to Wild Ginger - Judith Lowry
Introduction to the Geology of Southern California and Its Native plants - Clarence A. Hall
Survival Skills of Native Californians - Paul Douglas Campbell

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Survival for Hikers and Backpackers

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