mardi 21 février 2017

A Completely Different M305/M14 Question.

Ok, so I got this Norinco M305 several years ago. It has not been shot much, but recently I noticed that the rear sight knobs were getting harder to adjust.

That, and a couple other spots were really grungy.

Yeah, those who have bought Norinco before may be aware that they come in a bag and that the gun is literally COATED in oil...It is like they just dunked the whole, finished gun in oil, let it soak a bit, bagged it and mailed it. The bag was coated in oil and had like a couple inches pooled in the bottom.

Well, it was when these issues started I realized I never did a really complete tear down of it. I broke it down enough to clean it up and lube it, but I am realizing portions like the gas valve tube, the rear sight knobs, and a couple other parts never got removed.

So I broke the whole thing down completely for the very first time. I did it about 80% when I first got it, but I now realized it was ignorance of the weapon as much as anything else that led to stuff getting forgotten.

Here's the thing.

I cannot get the knobs off to save my life, and because of that I cannot get the rear site, dist cover, and such off and certainly cannot lubricate any of it.

I have tried to look it up on line, and NONE of the methods I find for the M1, M1A, or M14 have worked for me. I have looked on YouTube,, and even looked up the AGI M1 video.

I have seen ones where you release the retaining nut in the windage knob and unscrew the knob counter clockwise, I have seen ones where you release the screw and the knob pulls out...etc etc. None of these worked. I have done so much screwing and unscrewing the retaining screw it now shows scratches.

I don't know if some of the horrible oil is gumming things up or what.

Does anyone have info on the Norinco M14/M305 that they could enlighten me with? Please?

I am either doing something wrong, or just do not understand something. rest of the gun came apart easy. Am giving it a major clean and re-lube.

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A Completely Different M305/M14 Question.

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