lundi 20 août 2018

Best foreign language course/method/program?

I'm old school with this stuff, so I can't do more than recommend you look for a reputable school in your area. You do need to understand and then to grasp the basic grammar rules of whatever language you're learning because most people immediately transfer the grammar from their native tongues onto whatever foreign language they study and without a mastery of the fundamentals, people will mix up their native grammar with the grammar of the foreign language when speaking.

Granted, given English grammar and Spanish grammar are not so far apart, you may get away with conversational Spanish only - at first. But if you want to reach more advanced levels, which would include the ability to read and to write in Spanish, you will need textbooks, writing exercises, and such.

To complement such an approach, befriend native speakers and practice with them. Look for someone who is college-educated; a lot of Hispanics in the U.S. who are immigrants may not have studied into high school or college in their native countries.

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Best foreign language course/method/program?

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