mercredi 8 août 2018

Communist methods never change.

The communist method never changes. What are you doing about it?


Jacobins. Marxists. Communists. Socialists. Liberals. Progressives. Collectivists. Globalists. Democrats.

They change their name frequently but the methods generally stay the same. I'll stick with "Communist" for now because most of you will know what I'm talking about when I use that label.

The method I'm talking about is the way they go about seizing power and then strengthening their hold on it.

They seize power quickly, like in the Russian Revolution that saw the Jewish-led Bolsheviks take power, or slowly from the inside by subverting a nation's media, academia and legislative bodies. This is occurring in America today.

Once they have power, they identify the enemy and isolate them by labeling them and ostracizing them. Next, they remove the ability of the enemy to defend themselves and begin whittling away at the ability of their enemies to simply live their way of life. Once that is working sufficiently, they begin to limit the enemies in number and population percentage, or in sphere of influence. Once the enemy is sufficiently small or weak in power, they enact the final solution, which is always violent in nature.

Communists are inherently violent.

In today's America, the Communists have completely taken over our media and our education system. They control the message and they control the knowledge centers. They're totally in charge of one of our two legislative parties, and have infiltrated the other. They've identified their enemy and labeled them, and are ostracizing them as racists, sexists, homophobes, Nazis, etc. They're whittling away at our ability to defend ourselves and live our way of life free from interference. Our numbers are being reduced by outbreeding and mass migration of non-white, third-world savages.

When we are sufficiently weak and low in numbers, they will enact their final solution, and it will be violent.

What are you doing to stop them? Still just voting Republican? Still just voting for the guy who got the best AIPAC endorsement? Still just voting for the lesser of two evils? Still refusing to stoop to their level because "we're better than that"?

Let's block ads! (Why?)

Communist methods never change.

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