jeudi 2 août 2018

"Eat well for Less." tv show

I just discovered a new (to me) tv show called "Eat well for Less" I watched the first episode figuring it may have interesting ways of stretching the food budget. I ended up being very disappointed in it. In the first 25 minutes of it was all about how they shouldn't have cupboards and a fridge full of food. The family had a couple pounds of rice and a few cans of beans(that the wife bought on sale) and the two guys who came it to show them how to eat well for less spent 5 minutes mocking them for having a bit of a food stockpile.

From there they do get the family to by store brands of the food but they also try to get them to use as much as possible of what they already have in the kitchen so they us up their food stores.

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"Eat well for Less." tv show

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