jeudi 16 août 2018

NYU - FREE Medical School

My first impression at seeing this pop in the news feed was . . . uh-oh, our Republic is truly going Socialist. The intention sounds noble, yet also difficult to trust the underlying motives. And maybe I HAVE been living under a rock because I didn't realize M.I.T. also offered free tuition scholarships to specific income households earning less than $80,000. Dang! Had a smarty pants kid, and this would have been a sweet deal for our household but we were late to that party - LOL!

About 10 years ago, I recall Maryland offered (practically) free tuition for nursing students to assist in meeting the shortage of nurses; they may still do this?

Wondering what opinions alumni of these schools hold for this proposal, especially if still paying off thousands in debt.

Let's block ads! (Why?)

NYU - FREE Medical School

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