jeudi 9 août 2018

Send a message to media companies condemning conservative censorship


Originally Posted by PurpleKitty View Post

Unfortunately I have family who'd rather read a fb post from me than get a live phone call giving the same news.

This is what people tell me all the time when I suggest deleting FB:

"I only use it for..." and then they lie and make something up.

"I just have it to keep in touch with people." They're not actually keeping in touch with anyone by "liking" pics of food or their stupid ass pets.

"I'm going to delete mine, I just need to get a bunch of my pics off of it first." This takes years to do, apparently.

What really is funny is how often people "delete" their FB to "avoid drama" they started, and then two days later they reactivate it and pick up where they left off and act like they didn't just perform the adult equivalent of threatening to run away when you're five years old.

I quit Facebook one time, for good, few years ago and never went back.

Let's block ads! (Why?)

Send a message to media companies condemning conservative censorship

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