lundi 13 août 2018

sleeping/dreaming as you get older

Not survival,but we have a big membership and I'm curious.
I'm getting close to 60,always been early to bed,early to rise.
I guess about 10 years ago,I started to sleep like a rock for 4-5 hours,then get up around midnight,and go back and forth in a light sleep till 2-3,then get up for good.
My dreams seem a lot more ..I don't know..vivid,intense,like I'm actually living the dream in the light sleep phase.
Maybe because I'm male,but it usually involves a past or recent job,and I'm usually behind in some way.
I actually wake up tired like I was acually doing the work,but it fades pretty quick.never any nightmares,but sometimes my deceased wife appears.
Thats kinda spooky.

I'm not into paranormal,or think that dreams have any meaning,I'll go with just natures way of clearing my brain out.

So,anyone dream more or different as you get older?

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sleeping/dreaming as you get older

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