lundi 6 août 2018

The racist Sarah Jeong is why we should quit protecting the rest of the world

Recent New York Times hire and South Korean immigrant Sarah Jeong has been discovered to have been going on racist diatribes on twitter.

Her racism and hatred of white people is why the U.S. should discontinue offering its defense umbrella across the world.

The U.S. taxpayer is financing European health care and other socialist programs, propping up the South Korean and Japanese economies and provide for other countries' defense needs.

The racist Sarah Jeong is not currently living under communism because more than 35,000 of the white men she hates died in order to allow her to grow up in a democracy and later immigrate to their country.

Our culture and society would have been much better off with those 35,000 white men rather than one ungrateful, racist Korean...

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The racist Sarah Jeong is why we should quit protecting the rest of the world

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