vendredi 3 août 2018

This Fall will be a great time to stock up

No doubt you've heard of the tariffs/trade war. One major consequence of this trade war has been foreign tariffs on American grains, American cheeses, American meat. To avoid creating an oversupply domestically, some of these companies have tried to freeze the overstock, but those warehouses are almost to capacity. Some are trying to sell more to companies that process the food into shelf-stable things (crackers, shelf-stable cheese products, canned meats) but those companies are also filling warehouses nearly to the roof.

What this means for the American consumer (me and you) is that eventually, and by eventually I mean beginning within the next 30-60 days, companies will be forced to start adding additional supply to the market in your grocery store, with price discounts commensurate with that increase in supply. TLDR: you will be able to get better-than-typical prices on American-made meat, cheese, and grains, at least for a time. So make sure to take advantage of that.

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This Fall will be a great time to stock up

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