vendredi 3 août 2018

Everything you rent will be yours after SHTF

Someone told me the other day that he was renting some really weird stuff that I didn't even realize could be rented, for example bee hives (getting bee cubes delivered to his door to keep per year). I was philosophizing just how weird that is, when I realized that for SOME SHTF scenarious, renting is the same as buying, except for a fraction of the cost.

*That really nice brand new 4x4 that we all say is a bad lease deal because "in very longterm it's a very bad deal", will be his after SHTF.
*That nice house that he has a long-term lease on for good price but "when you get old you won't have house ownership" will be his after SHTF.

Ofcourse there are some gradual types of SHTF where that defeinitely won't be true, where there's plenty of time and desperation for every owner to arrange taking everything back to sell, but I mean for really sudden types of SHTF. It's mindblowing to think of how fragile "ownership" really is.

I guess the point is, whatever you do own: make sure to own it in more ways than just by law

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Everything you rent will be yours after SHTF

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