mardi 21 août 2018

What If The Shoe was on the Other Foot ?

Jordan B. Peterson has the most insight on the left I've ever heard.

It boils down to the fact that the left does not recognize when they are going too far.

The Right knows. We know that white supremacists, skinheads, neo-nazi's, radical religious groups and so on are examples to be avoided. We DO NOT accept them.

Yet, the centrist left clearly embraces the radical ideology. Communist flags are not shunned, Che pictures abound in democrat campaign offices. Open borders and outright non violent invasion promoted, importation of savages, the glorification of iSlam (not to mention the accurate list above) and on and on. THEY DON'T SEE IT AS PROBLEMATIC.

When Marxist ideas are put into action, people are tortured, centuries-old institutions come under attack, and the bodies begin to pile up.

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What If The Shoe was on the Other Foot ?

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