mardi 21 août 2018

What is the point of surviving?


Originally Posted by bertzie View Post

I've read the bible, ...There is no situation in which that is going to end well for ANYONE. ..

..You Did?? Did ya, like, Miss the Whole Entire 'Plotline'? (..and, you'll have to 'work with me here' / suspend prejudices / disbelief, etc..), ie: where Our (all of us..) First Parents, totallyed the Entire 'crock pot' of Human-offspring, from the get-go, so.. As-is, We'd never stand a Chance - BUT..

..the next All-important Part of the story, where - Because of the 'Issue of Universal Sovreignty' the devil raised (Does the Creator 'know best', Or, are Humans, indeed, 'better off withOut Him / his guidance', et al..) So, the Creator said '.. OK, fine.. Hands off, you go and find out, yourselves.. Have fun! - Meantime - I'm gonna work on the 'Backup-plan', where My Son (..who 'volunteered' for the job, by the way.. JC was particularly fond of Us..) will mitigate this puddle of sick, and we can get - My Purpose - back online..'

..Translation: We're NOT living / this world is NOT the way He Intended / purposed, so we all really have never Lived / been Able to work together, As Perfect Humans ( intended..) THAT's the 'situation', where we'll 'get back' to the way things - should have been - a World Free of the influence of the devil / imperfection.. We've never been Able to try that... Yet.

..I, for one, am Not going to give up on that stated-Purpose, and it's NOT 'because the Bible sez'.. It's because of what this Incredible Earth / Sky / Ocean 'tells me'.. None of that (nor any of 'Life's pleasures' (all our olfactory senses, Love, the 'Gift' of the Art of cooking (or any Other Art / Music, for that matter..) etc - All the aspects of Us that set us apart from the animals..) would make Any sense, if, as you say, free will was Only-ever going to be limited to this current horribly-broken 'Truman show' paradigm...

...To Me, this Planet, itself, tells me all I Need to know.. that Life - as He Intended it - Is worth living, and Mankind - as He Intended us to Be - would be amazing, without the devil / all the bull of 'man, dominating man, to his injury', all these Centuries.. This is Not how things are Supposed to be, so..

..Not really fair to judge that Original Purpose ('situation') as being no good, free-will, withstanding.. When we're not In it..



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What is the point of surviving?

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