dimanche 26 juillet 2020

black body radiation cooling - Midwest

A fan uses a lot less watts than A/C does..... 3/4's of our solar is grid intertie... no grid and not enough watts to run the AC. We do have extra solar panels in storage, and I am sure I could re-purpose the grid intertie panels some way, but if we lived in the desert we could use a black body radiator (and would not have the humidity issues) if we did not want to run a swamp cooler... but we live in MO.

Our earth sheltered house has a high point at the center with ceiling heights rising from each end. If we use an attic fan at the high point (there is actually a "dog house" there to house a fan) and open windows at each end at night, with lots of thermal mass the house TEMPERATURE is fine all day with no A/C all summer long, but the inside humidity is too high for comfort (we live down in a river valley). We keep the windows closed, and run an 8 ton 38 seer heat pump (mini-split) which keeps the whole house cool, as much for de-humidification as for cooling.

I wondered if "black body radiation" might work for night time cooling ? Pull air from high point of house at night, run through 12" metal, black painted hvac pipe (NOT insulated !!!), and back in to each end of the house all night long, turn off in the day time. I am SURE that this would work in the desert, but with less clean sky's in Missouri (humidity) would there be enough black body radiation to cool the thermal mass of the house enough ?

In research I read that it works great with clear sky's, but clouds and higher humidity decrease effectiveness... but I have never seen how much decrease. Anyone know anything about this that has been done in the midwest or any other higher humidity area ?

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black body radiation cooling - Midwest

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