samedi 25 juillet 2020

Eating my words on 300 Blackout

Hello all.

I know I’ve said I won’t get a 300 Blackout in other threads, because I didn’t see a need for it in my arsenal. Well, I just developed a need.

My fiancé isn’t a gun person. She isn’t against guns in any way, and is very supportive of my gun buying and shooting habit. She just doesn’t care to participate. The biggest reason is that she’s afraid. They’re loud and people always talk about the “kick” as if every triggerpull is a punch from John L Sullivan.

Well today I was shooting my old Red Ryder in the backyard, and she made a comment about how that was more her style because it’s quiet. I laughed and made an offhand comment about needing a suppressor. I didn’t mean for it to be anything other than a joke, but she asked me about suppressors, and finally reached the conclusion that if she had a suppressor, not only would she have greater sex appeal, she would be more inclined to try shooting.

Well, the easiest thing for me to do to get a supressable firearm, would be to put a 300blk barrel on an AR upper I have just laying around, and have some fun with subsonic ammo.

So, I guess it’s time for me to get a 300Blk now.

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Eating my words on 300 Blackout

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