dimanche 26 juillet 2020

Where are the militias?


Originally Posted by BuellerBueller View Post
I know very little about citizen militias, but this seems like an appropriate time for them to be running security in some of these cities as they did in Coeur d'Alene.

Pretty sure that a few hundred trained men can quiet this down pretty quickly and with no violence.

It also seems to be perfectly legal in open-carry states.

Any ideas?

A great job done in Coeur d'Alene:


The riots are in blue cities, in blue states.

The milita are home, in the country, in red states.

Like it or not, but these riots are the will of the people in the places where they are happening. Which is why they got started, and why they aren't being stopped. They don't want them to be stopped any more than people in a foreign country enjoy the UN coming in and 'liberating them'.

This is democracy at work. Sometimes democracies choose to destroy themselves, but it's still their choice. If the people in these places stopped supporting the riots they would end overnight. Just because we can't imagine supporting them doesn't mean they need to be invaded from another state and 'liberated' by OUR militia. We would be no better than Antifa going to other cities to start riots.

And a good example of why every large metro area should be its own state so it can not only run itself the way its people want...but protect the rest of the region from its politics and prevent such travesties as Spokane and Seattle being under the same sets of laws.

Now, if the people of a city made a formal request for liberation....that would be a different matter. But I suspect anyone who would support a militia left those zones a long time ago.

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Where are the militias?

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