samedi 25 juillet 2020

@military folks regarding politics

Default @military folks regarding politics

As we approach the elections in November, tensions are likely to rise. We already see a metric butt ton of lawlessness and deviant behaviors spreading across the nation. Social media has been spreading all manner of opinions from mild to borderline insanity.
I’m curious about something I recently received and so I’m asking other military folks a question.
During any past elections that you served (including currently) do you ever recall having a reminder of policy/regulations emailed to you for dissemination?
I can’t recall ever seeing an email with attachments relating to things such as “Political Activity Standards” and the Hatch act. Has anyone else?
I’m wondering if the timing now has more to do with the rapid expansion of social media, the widespread “protesting”, the upcoming presidential election, or all three. Or maybe some other reasons?
Just thought I’d put it out there for a discussion.

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@military folks regarding politics

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