dimanche 26 juillet 2020

What If the U.S. Turns Into Venezuela?

I hear alternative news sources say the U.S. may become just like Venezuela. One person said that in Venezuela, people are eating their own children and that mothers are selling their young daughters so she can buy food for the rest of the family.

Wanting to verify this, I pulled up news articles that support this claim. There are a lot of them. Families would often abandon their children, where they would have to fend for themselves on the streets. Some mothers would sell their young daughters to pedophiles so that they can get money to buy food for the rest of their family and so that the daughter sold into sex servitude can at least be fed.

If times got that bad here in the U.S., what would you do? How would you feel about buying another human if that is the only way to save her? Would you have the resources to support that child, such as clean water and a place for her to sleep?

Jeanette Isabelle

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What If the U.S. Turns Into Venezuela?

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