samedi 25 juillet 2020

What Do You Think The Future Holds Under Biden?

As I was watching Tucker Carlson last night I heard him say that it is indeed possible that Joe Biden will win the presidency, and that both houses will turn blue in the 2020 election. I sincerely hope that speculation does NOT come to fruition, but it got me to wondering what we might see should that turn of events become a reality.

No matter what happens it will take a bit of time to bring legislation into force (although there is usually an open window for rapid legislation within the first 100 days of any new administration.) So fast forward to 2022 in your minds and tell me what the USA looks like.

From my own perspective the following is quite likely by 2022:

1. The reinstatement of Clinton's "Assault Weapons Ban", but beefed up to include all semi-auto rifles and pistols. I don't believe that full scale confiscation will occur within two years of the election but the voices calling for it will be loud and unrelenting and this will eventually get done before the end of Biden's first term (if he lives that long and whoever is his VP is likely to be worse than he will be.)

2. Every form of political correctness will be fully enforced in the nation's public schools under threat of the removal of all federal funding of public education. Anything other than the precepts of political correctness will be considered as "hate speech" and be punishable under the law as such.

3. The existing "hate speech" laws in Canada will be beefed up in the U.S. so that any expression of defined "racism", "homophobia", "xenophobia", opposition to transgenderism, or improper use of personal pronouns will be actionable.

4. The southern border will be a free-crossing zone.

5. Beginning with the DACA folks, a series of immigration amnesties will be enacted by congress and signed by Biden to make all current and future "immigrants" American citizens by fiat. This will forever change the demographics of this nation so that there will never be another Republican president.

6. The abuses of government agencies (FBI, IRS, CIA, NSA, etc.) will be reinstitute with a vengeance. Conservative traditionalists/Constitutionalists will be placed under scrutiny and targeted for legal actions whenever possible.

7. Under one pretense or another, the parents who have chosen to either homeschool or send their kids to private school will be targeted under the new "Racism" statutes with every effort expended to make such choices unavailable to parents. Public schools (Socialist re-education camps) will be the only education available to children in this nation.

8. The DOD will be purged of any leadership not supportive of the Socialist/Progressive agenda of the Biden administration. There will be an immediate, but very quiet, effort to ensure that the nuclear weapons silos and submarines are firmly in the hands of the Socialists to forstall some possibility of nuclear blackmail on the part of patriot commanders who will be replaced as quickly as possible.

9. Some form of censorship will be installed over news outlets that do not toe the Socialist line of the administration. Something along the lines of legislation like "Truth In Broadcasting Act" will be passed in congress with the government becoming the final arbiter of "truth". Internet domaines will be revolked and denied to the voices on the right.

10. A genuine insurgency will begin in America.

Your thoughts?

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What Do You Think The Future Holds Under Biden?

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