mardi 28 juillet 2020

July 28th: Baptism of Rus Celebrated in Russia, Ukraine & Belarus

On this date 1,032 years ago Saint Vladimir baptized the people of Kievan Rus into the One Holy Catholic and Apostolic Orthodox Church.

Since 988 AD the people of Rus have remained steadfast in their Faith despite pagan Mongol invasions from the east, Catholic Polish/German invasions from the West, Islamic invasions from the south, Bolshevik persecution, and Protestant missionary invasions after throwing off the communist yoke.

Слава Тебе, Господи! Заступи, спаси, помилуй и сохрани нас, Боже, Твоею благодатию!

Glory to You, Lord! Step in, save us, have mercy on us, and preserve us, God, with Your grace!

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July 28th: Baptism of Rus Celebrated in Russia, Ukraine & Belarus

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