dimanche 26 juillet 2020

Which NRA course would you recommend

I strongly feel that any message has to be acceptable (or at least tolerated) by everyone from almost the extreme left to almost the extreme right....

Safety first, second and third. Hey, who can argue with that !

Everyone is against terrorists and mass shooters.... sure can't argue with that !!!

We just differ on WHAT is needed.

With mass shootings a tiny percentage of total gun deaths, we do not need knee jerk reactions that do not have good science behind them.

With the majority of homicides by gun done by poor black men,
With the majority of suicides by gun done by poor white men,

It seems like we need to work on getting rid of men... or, working on getting rid of poor ?

(personal opinion here: I am against the Govt. GIVING, and strongly believe the give a man a fish, feed him for a day; teach a man to fish, feed him for life concept is the only way to go. We may need to spend money on making sure any and all barriers to those who are poor who want to improve are removed. We may need to speed money on getting role models and the message to those who want to improve themselves can KNOW that it is possible. We may need to use tariffs and accept a higher cost on some items when IT IS CLEARLY LINKED to more entry level jobs that have a path to advancement in the US (err... besides making the US less dependent on supply chains originating in other countries).

We need to have GOOD science studies (which will take time) that show how to improve gun violence. Is this mental health, and if so WHAT cost-effective methods ?

Is this MORE guns ? If so, how who and how and when ?

Is this requiring anyone who takes a gun outside their home/land, to have a current firearm safety training card in their wallet ? The Govt. could set the STANDARDS of what training is needed, and how often (based on the studies) but any local, regional or national organization (subject to inspection to be sure the standards are being met) can certify anyone meeting those standards..... (but no 'registration' of those cards !!) ??? Any people who were in need of mental health services, if they don't show up for training they can't be identified, but think that if they DO NEED HELP, red flags would be identified.... (so, take their guns ? Well, NO, but they could be mandated to receive mental health services as a condition to KEEP them..... could be restricted (have to keep all sides happy, remember?) to only in their home / land UNTIL cleared (and a clear path to HOW to be cleared)... and I kinda think that someone really in need of help, if hanging around other gun enthusiasts would be identified for close watching..)

I would be very critical of any "less guns" - I was in another country with very strict gun control, there was a much higher homicide rate than in the US, by machete !!!! Also, remember I said acceptable to almost everyone ?????

If gun nuts only preach to other gun nuts,
If anti-gun nuts only preach to other anti-gun nuts,
anything that does get done is just about guaranteed to NOT WORK, and **** off one side or the other.....

Get the NRA behind GOOD research studies!

my $0.02

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Which NRA course would you recommend

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