lundi 27 juillet 2020

The search for martyrs

One of the obvious tactics of the vandals and collectivist slavers is their incessant instigation of a violent reaction. They desperately need some galvanizing event to draw supporters to their banner.

You can’t really get millions to march for the cause of socialist slavery and poverty inducing collectivism, as a solution to slavery and poverty by creeping socialism. There is little attraction in a “benevolent” totalitarian police state enforcing glorious socialism, with its confiscation of surplus and compulsory charity.

But you can motivate people when there are publicized ”atrocities” (real or imagined) committed in the name of the establishment, however it is administered.

Which dimwit will succeed in getting himself martyred?
Time will tell.

MARTYR - One who makes great sacrifices or suffers much in order to further a belief, cause, or principle.

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The search for martyrs

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