mardi 28 juillet 2020

Events of the last 6 months demand more?

Its like everything else in think you have enough, until your preps are tested...I thought 500 masks was more than ample to survive any I feel i need twice that number. Been down that road with ammo too. On food I have always found it a bit more complicated, once you take calories into the calculation. My household is myself and 2 teenage boys. Im at 2,400 calories a day for my storage plan, and for 6 people, not 3. I have found that I can do 30-60 days of calories in the deep freeze if it is full of meat, my pantry of canned and shelf stable can do another 60-90 days. The LTS stuff currently occupies about 90 days of my plan. On one hand it is easy to bulk that up with additional rice and beans...adding more cans becomes more of a storage issue than another bucket or 2.

Given what we have been going through, I am in the process of attempting to expand my pantry of cans and shelf stable by another 30 days and adding another 30 days of LTS. hopefully that will get me to a solid 8 months. Previous to this pandemic, i was more concentrated on trying to get my calories up to 2700-3000.

if everyone in the US would have 30 day supply of everything, the nation would be much more secure, but of course they don't.

If I had only 90 days of food/supplies I wouldn't feel under-prepared honestly, but would want some more. I still feel that 90 days will allow most folks to get through the vast majority of emergencies.

in regards to shortages.... i am uncertain about the pressures you mention. I do know there continue to be logistical and supply issues. there is a shortage of metal for cans and a shortage of labels that is preventing resupply of many canned goods.

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Events of the last 6 months demand more?

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