mardi 7 juillet 2020

A Food Waste Story

Amazon has a section of their movies that is free to watch.

I found this one completely fascinating. It's a documentary on food waste. You would think most of food waste is from institutional and restaurant sources, but the fact is that between grocery stores and homeowners that the waste factor is close to a third of all food gets wasted between stores and homes. Part of the documentary is a Canadian couple that spends a half year living off food salvage and they collect many thousands of dollars of food, gain weight, and spend no more than $200 on food in that half year. Mixed in between this saga is informational blurbs about how our society is geared to create this overabundance and the resulting waste factor.

For preppers there is no big focal point I'm trying to point to, but more like a whole bunch of small points that could factor in on how we get and use our food so we save a lot of money and perhaps help tackle this problem. It's actually an eye opener on how bad an environmental problem our current food system creates.

It's a 75 minute documentary movie.

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A Food Waste Story

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