mardi 21 juillet 2020

Masks Required - Store Responses - Shopping Cart Handles

Yeah, another MASK thread, I can't seem to understand just how deep the Mask Hole goes.

There is a local Quickie-Mart that I like to go to. If someone enters without a mask, the first employee that notices makes a louder than normal comment to the intruder that masks are required. If the intruder does not immediately retreat, the other employees join in with increased volume that the intruder is not welcome in the store and must wear a mask.

I really wish I could figure a way to video this and post it online. It seems very effective. However, it appears that corporate might have changed their mind as the last time I saw a mask-less intruder the counter guy told the mask-less guy to pull his shirt over his nose.

Chain grocery Store "A" very early on had a paid employee person to manage and sanitize the handles of the grocery buggy while Store "B" did not. Fast forward in time to, nearly today, and Store "A" no longer has an employee to do this task, while Store "B" now seemingly does (but that employees purpose was not clear to me on both my entry and exit observations).

Interesting times.

Let's block ads! (Why?)

Masks Required - Store Responses - Shopping Cart Handles

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