samedi 4 juillet 2020

Mostly Harmless/Denim, Unidentified Hiker Found Dead in Florida

I haven't seen this posted here yet. A couple of years ago an emaciated hiker was found dead in his tent in Southwest Florida. No real cause of death but it seems like he had died from malnutrition as he was only 83 lbs when he was found. He had no ID, but had almost $4,000 in cash. The composite photo the police made of his face was recognized by a bunch of people in the hiking community. As a result various photos of him and some of his story ended up being widely dispersed in an effort to identify him.

He told people he was born in Louisiana, had been living and working in NY and had started to hike "while he still could." He befriended various hikers along the way, he apparently hiked the AT, the Pinhoti and was near the terminus of the FT on his way to Key West when he was found. He had a notebook in his belongings which consisted of computer code. He had some unique gear, a Brooks Range tent and winter coat.

When he first started hiking he was given the name "Denim" since he was wearing jeans. Later on he was given the name "Mostly Harmless". He signed into a couple of hostels with the pseudonym "Ben Bilemy."

Despite having pictures and the stories told to them by people he met along the way, the authorities have no clue who this guy is.

Here is my favorite link about the mystery, I thought I would post to see if someone here knew him.

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Mostly Harmless/Denim, Unidentified Hiker Found Dead in Florida

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