vendredi 24 juillet 2020

Trump Signs EO's to Lower Drug Costs

One point that is often made is that big pharma has to recoup their research and development costs in bringing new drugs to market.

My credentials are that, more than 20 years ago I worked in the biotechnology branch of pharmaceutical research and development. Yes, that was a long time ago and I realize that technology and research techniques have changed greatly over that time, but I still call bull**** on the length of time to recoup costs.

A drug is developed and manufactured in the US. It is a long and technologically laborious prospect where the vast majority of drug models fail and are discarded. Eventually one will (hopefully!) work and be brought to market. Then X number/years are projected to recoup costs, and during that time the drug cost remains high.

But drugs developed here are sold around the world, and it simply doesn't take, for example, 10 or 15 years to recoup those costs. Not back then, and not now. If anything, advances in technology and techniques have made research easier than it was.

I am all for profit, I am all for capitalism, but I am also not a sucker. Having had years of experience in the field, I am confident in calling bull****.

I am glad President Trump did this, because so many people are now without health care due to the whole Obamacare fiasco, and they need some relief from high drug costs. I knew someone basically born with a very compromised immune system who needed $5K worth of injections a month. He lost his healthcare when Obamacare came along, could not afford Obamacare for long, and died after about six months without being able to afford his treatment.

It's always easy to say 'oh too bad for that guy, Darwin's Law and etc.,' when that guy is someone you don't know. But it sucks for the guy's family and children.

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Trump Signs EO's to Lower Drug Costs

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