samedi 4 juillet 2020

Where's the NEW American Citizens?

Some things an Ole' Timer can do. I wents and looked, approximately 700,000 immigrants become legit, official, sworn in, legal American citizens each year.

With all this bullmalarkey going on, on how terrible some whinebags think this country is, an Ole' Timer would sure like most of those 700k per year new American citizens to stand up and let the snowflakes know just what real persecution etc is, and, if snowflakes don't think America is that great, go to the country those new citizens came from. See for themselves WHY so many are willing to die to get here (does not include the free handouts). Them whinebag snowflakes may actually learn to appreciate what America has.

America ain't perfect, no country is. But she is the best country on this planet.

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Where's the NEW American Citizens?

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