lundi 6 juillet 2020

Why we should blast the Left continuously

It always should be asked, to what end? I wrote the left off long ago as hopeless and getting worse every year. TBH, being a paleoconservative, I've been a whisker away from also doing the same with a large chunk of the right for not keeping faith with the three C's. Country, constitution, and conservatism.

If you want to rant about leftists or to leftists just to get likes or nods from the amen section, knock yourself out. How many committed leftists have you made into conservative converts? I'd rather spend my time far more constructively, making the case to the middle of the merits of conservtism, and working towards consistently blowing out all the fake cons and pretenders that subvert and muddle the good cause of true conservatism and get votes or a pass because they have an "R" after their name.

That is where the future of conservatism lies, that is where the future of the country lies, if it is to be a future worth fighting for. That is where the votes that will get you there are.

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Why we should blast the Left continuously

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