lundi 31 octobre 2016

Bill Kristols advice for Trump.

Anyone see what Billy boy said on Foxes Britt Hume show? Personally, I hate the guy. He's the quintessential establishment republican whose done everything in his power to stop Trump.

That said...I found myself pondering the value of the advice he offered up for Donald Trump that IMO would totally shock the country and almost ensure a win.

Simply state that he will only serve one term. I'd bet he rise at least 5-10 percent in the polls. Maybe it's just me, but I've always thought that Trump would probably only want to serve one term anyway. You think he'd want to go through all this crap again? More might make enough undecided give him a chance.

Four years to...defeat Hillary, drain the swamp, close the border, build the wall, kill ISIS, fix Obamacare, redo trade deals, etc, and last but not least....satisfy his ego. Heck, just putting a stake in Hillarys heart would be enough of an accomplishment for most I would think. When he wins, he'll have both sides of the aisle shaking in their boots. He should have enough political capitol to force real changes. Then....basking in his glory....hand over the reigns to Pence for 8 years to finish the job...and climb the stairs of Trump One and fly off into the sunset.

Dunno, maybe I shouldn't have upped my dosage tonight...

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Bill Kristols advice for Trump.

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