vendredi 28 octobre 2016

New FCC Rules for ISPs


As it stands now, users have to opt-out in order to disallow ISPs from sharing their private browsing data and other important information with third parties. The new rules would force ISPs to impose opt-in rules instead, meaning that users have to click “I agree” or something similar before ISPs can share their data.


The FCC says it’s aiming to give consumers:

Increased choice, transparency, and security online… ISPs serve as a consumer’s “on-ramp” to the internet. Providers have the ability to see a tremendous amount of their customers’ personal information that passes over that internet connection, including their browsing habits.

Consumers deserve the right to decide how that information is used and shared – and to protect their privacy and their children’s privacy online.

I wonder what forced the FCC to do this? Not really complaining, just surprised.

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New FCC Rules for ISPs

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