jeudi 27 octobre 2016

The COLD is here. Are you "Preppared"??

When it comes to PREPAREDNESS everyone always thinks of the basic items for STORAGE..
Water Storage
Food Storage
Ammo Storage
Gold/Silver Storage

but quite possibly the most important is..[drum roll please] HEAT STORAGE

Before I answer those let me lay out a sort of Survival Hierarchy - What's MOST important?
How long can man survive without food? = 30 days GOOD
How long can man survive without Water? = 3 days BETTER
How long can man survive without Heat? = 3 hours BEST

Most PREPPERS haven't really thought about heat storage or preparedness...have you?

The next question now is WHEN will the Next Disaster Happen?
There are so many disasters we "preppare" for...Economic Collapse, Political Uprising, War, EMP, Famine, Drought, Earthquake, Tornado, Hurricane, and on and on....
WHEN will these events happen?? Noone really knows

In contrast...WHEN will it be COLD? ANSWER: Next WINTER and every Winter thereafter

Think about this now...What if you could invest in ONE thing and stay warm as long as you live? Renewable Heat?

Before you ask what in the world am I talking about..ponder on this.
Your Preparedness Heat Source NEEDS to be:
1. Renewable - wood/coal all have to be replaced
2. Mobile - wood/coal are difficult to transport if you need to get out of dodge
3. Inexpensive - you have to continuously refill wood/coal as it runs out which could cost money
4. Clean - wood/coal aren't the cleanest fuels in the world
5. Invisible...(oooh) - wood/coal make smoke which doesn't allow you to hide very well like in times of War
6. Warm!!

We as Preppers need to change our mindset---Don't Heat "SPACE"...Keep your BODY warm>>

Your body is the source of HEAT<<< if you're ALIVE, you're warm... and if you're warm...You're Alive!

I'm blessed to work with a company that has a product that defies all understanding of cold weather clothes and we designed it specifically with Preparedness minded people like us. It covers all the 6 steps below.
1. Renewable = Body Heat
2. Mobile = You wear it
3. Inexpensive = 20% discount if you buy through me
4. Clean = You don't burn anything
5. Invisible...(oooh) = so light weight noone would know you were wearing it underneath your clothes. they would actually think you must be freezing
6. Warm!! = we cut a hole in a frozen lake with (-) temps outside and get out soaking wet head to toe. In less than 1 min we're warm and continue to fish and snowboard throughout the entire day still wet!! Just ask if you want to see the video. Everyone loves to see the video! Any other cold weather clothing you would be dead.

I left my other 100k a year technology job to represent this amazing preparedness product so if you're interested to see this amazing clothes in action just message me direct or in the feed and I'll give you the info you'll need to make an educated decision for you and your family.

When you're ready to buy don't forget to work directly through me. You'll get a 20% discount you won't get on our website.

I'll end with one of my favorite quotes "It's better to be a year early than a day late"

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The COLD is here. Are you "Preppared"??

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