lundi 31 octobre 2016

Harry Reid is At It Again

In a report by the New York Times about the chronology of events leading up to the FBI obtaining a search warrant to review emails discovered on Weiner's says the Senate Democratic Minority Leader is accusing Director Comey of withholding information on Donald Trump's secret ties to the Russian government and Vlad Putin.

Eerily similar to the 2012 attack on Mitt Romney when Reid accused Romney of not paying taxes for ten years and having no evidence to date to back that smear up, Reid said at the time that the American public deserved to know. Today, he his making the same attack on Trump knowing it is a smear that has no basis but is put out there as a smoke screen for Clinton. I can't imagine a country with a Commander In Chief like Clinton and a lackey like Reid in the Senate.

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Harry Reid is At It Again

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