dimanche 30 octobre 2016

I Gotta Feeling

I've been told I'm clairsentient. It's kind of like clairvoyance only you get what's called a "gut" feeling. I'm sure many of you are going to answer "No Sh*t Sherlock" when you hear my feeling. But I feel massive anarchy is going to be unleashed on or before November 8th and 1776 will repeat its self.

Not only do I feel the POTUS will "try" to issue a state of martial law; but I think we will probably be attacked by proxies of the other 2 big boys on the block. (N. Korea & Iran). It is going to be hard to tell the good from the bad. Our friends to the north will have their share of war as well, as most will expect insurgents to come from the south.

The country has already been infiltrated by the minions of George Soros in the factions of BLM, The New Black Panthers and Illegal immigrants (Not legal ones). I feel either this election will be the "Arch Duke Ferdinand" moment or the indictment of HRC. Once we turn on each other, China and Russia will see their opportunity to take down the city falling off the hill.

We were infiltrated in 2008. Not just by an Indonesian but by a mole from Tehran. Valerie Jarrett.

I had a dream of telling my grandkids what a piano was. How food used to be on shelves in things called grocery stores. How warm air used to come out of the walls and cold air in the summer time.

The only people in America that were thriving were native Americans that kept their ancestor's ways.

Anyway, it was just a feeling. I hope I'm wrong. But I was right about the Loma Prietta Earthquake in 1989. That very day I looked out and said: "It feels like Earthquake weather".

Please pray that I'm wrong this time. I know you don't need to be clair"anything" to tell something destructive this way comes. Probably on a Sunday when everyone is watching football or the few that still go to church.

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I Gotta Feeling

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