mercredi 26 octobre 2016

Still undecided. Try to convince me.

If the Libertarian Party gets 5% of the total popular vote, it unlocks more funding for the next cycle. This will help break the grip of the one party system.
Folks here are not going to be straight with you. They won't address Trumps history of supporting democrats, his democratic views, nor will they address his convenient flipping on hot button republican issues. He found a bunch of suckers.

Trump will not win, he isn't capable of doing what needs to be done, don't waste your vote on him. Folks will say a vote for third party is a vote for Clinton but really that isn't true. A vote for third party is a vote for sanity, a vote for a new reality.

Let's block ads! (Why?)

Still undecided. Try to convince me.

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