lundi 31 octobre 2016

My absolute TOP fire starting aids

After a lifetime of starting fires in the woods, I have 3 things that I feel are the top helpers so far as fire starting goes.

Before I get into them, I want to talk about some definitions.

This is anything that produces the initial spark or ember. Think Ember from bowdrill, or sparking devise of some kind like striking flint and steel into char cloth, ferro rod, to matches and the infamous bic lighter.

This is anything that catches that ignition, and helps it grow to a usable flame to start our fire.

Tinder and fuel:
This is what actually becomes your fire.

These are chosen for easy of availability, low cost and effectiveness.

So, for my top 3 we have:

3. Jute twine (representing natural tinder bundle materials)
2. Charcoal grill starter cubes. Webber Cubes and Ignite'O fires are at the top of the list.

And number 1, of all time:

Cotton Balls impregnated with Vaseline/Petroleum Jelly

Whats your top 3?

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My absolute TOP fire starting aids

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