mercredi 26 octobre 2016

Weekly SBARN: Saturday October 29, 2016 (SSB) ***75 Meters***

0200 UTC aka 2200 EST 2100 CST 2000 MST 1900 PST

Main frequency: 3.960 LSB - 75 meters, + or - 6kHz. During the winter months we will switch to the lower band.

Back Up Frequency:
7.225 LSB - 40 meters

If conditions are favorable, we can discuss mobile operations, or if somebody would like to suggest a subject related to survival radio, you can post it here.

SurvivalistBoards Amateur Radio Net - SBARN

A group dedicated to amateur radio operators, two-way radio users, and other radio spectrum monitors who wish to improve their communication skills with other members. Group membership currently stands at 58.

Group membership is by invitation only to protect Call-sign/user name anonymity. After the invitation is accepted, the member can then use SBARN threads. Please PM Dolf with your Amateur Radio Call-sign, and/or user name to request an invitation to the group.

Let's block ads! (Why?)

Weekly SBARN: Saturday October 29, 2016 (SSB) ***75 Meters***

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