lundi 31 octobre 2016

What's it like in the Fayetteville Springdale Rogers area?

DefaultWhat's it like in the Fayetteville Springdale Rogers area?

Was browsing the country and daydreaming of relocating and came across an area I know nothing about, the Fayetteville Springdale Rogers area of NW Arkansas. Is the area basically merged into one city or distinctly separate cities? What is the approximate population of the entire region? Are good deals in real estate lurking in the countryside? Crime? Meth-heads? Trashy? Safe? Clean? Just trying to get a general feel for the area. Looks like a small enough area that most have never heard of but large enough to find employment and survive. Been to Hot Springs and points south, is the geography similar? What is right and wrong with this part of the state?

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What's it like in the Fayetteville Springdale Rogers area?

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