jeudi 27 octobre 2016

How to make a table saw - Part 2: Splitter, Anti Kickback Paw, Guard

Hello EveryBody!
Today, I would like to go back and continue the Topic of "How to make a table saw" that I mentioned under the link:
Today, we are going to make the components supporting table saws include: spliter, guard, anti-kickback paw.
I have made a video describing the process of making the components above, you can see here:

Step 1: Make the Splitter.

You need to use a plate steel with size of about 200mm x 300mm x 2.5mm, then used the saw to cut steel plate under the parasols and the desired shape.
Design your spliter core holding Guard and anti-kickback Paw.
Step 2: Make the Anti-kickback Paw.

You continue to use the plate steel to cut the line with two-dimensional shape with serrated saws wood downwind. The wood-aliasing helps embryos move in one direction only, to avoid being shocked by the impact of the blade.
Step 3: Make the Guard

You can use the Mica (Acrylic) to make Guard, make sure that increased aesthetics. Here, I use about 8mm thickness Mica. Guard has been designed to be able to latch mounting Splitter easily
Step 4: Assemble the parts together and inserted in table saws.

I used screw types to link the components together and paired with table saws. Split tongue is attached to the saw table through a right angle and easily removable fasteners through.
Step 5: Complete and enjoy the results.

Wish you happy, and one day work efficiently!

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How to make a table saw - Part 2: Splitter, Anti Kickback Paw, Guard

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