samedi 29 octobre 2016

***Ladies Section*** October Rant

I know October is nearly over but I'm having a ****ty morning and need to vent. Not even 7 am and I already cleaned up two puddles of **** and one pile of ****.

I'd really REALLY like to track down the SOB who abused our poor rescue puppy to the point that she won't pee/poop in front of anyone or while on the lease. After several weeks, we've finally gotten her used to us enough that she'll go (most of the time) when we take her for a walk to a particularly brushy spot in the yard. Lots of bushes & tall grass to hide behind, don't make direct eye contact. But if the cats are around, she won't go. Doesn't really want to chase or play with them, just won't pee when they are around.

So this morning, after the teenager woke her up (got up extra early to prepare for away game) but didn't take the puppy outside, she peed on the playroom floor. I woke up to puppy's whining. Took puppy for a walk, but the cats decided to follow us. Puppy did nothing. Brought her inside, cleaned up first puddle, explained to teenager that first one up always takes puppy outside before doing anything else. Made myself a cup of coffee & sat down with my iPad and the news to restart day. Not even 3 minutes later, I smell that very distinctive smell. Sure, enough, on the kitchen floor right in front of the back door. And to make my day even better, she walked thru the pile and then climbed in bed with our son.

I took her for a walk. I stood calmly in her area, patiently giving her a chance to do her business. Not sure what more I can do. Feeling livid ****ed and completely dejected.

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***Ladies Section*** October Rant

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