jeudi 27 octobre 2016

Survival Instinct Quiz

Hello all!

I'm trying to start this internet magazine that will be about skills/techniques (wilderness EMT, bushcraft/wilderness survival, stealing cars, tactical driving, tactical shooting, situational awareness, hand-to-hand combat, etc). Pretty much a how to "insert bad ass skill here." After realizing there are so many different ways to skin a cat, I figured I'd make something where people can go and learn/discuss all these different ways.

Anyways I made a quiz to try and get people interested in this stuff. I figured this was a good place to post it. NOTE: Not everything in this quiz is the best way to do anything. The answers are based of research that I've done myself.
I would love to get some critical feedback from the community if you think that you would be interested in something like this or whatever you thought about the quiz. Enjoy

"Absorb what is useful. Reject what is not. Add what is uniquely your own." - Bruce lee

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Survival Instinct Quiz

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