dimanche 30 octobre 2016

It is going to take something big to get people stirred up

It is going to take something big to get people stirred up to such a level as another Pearl Harbor event did seven decades plus in the past, but this time, a lot of people will have to suffer big time for the effect to sink in.

When we as a people are comfortable, we have a tank of gas, a big screen TV, pizza delivered to the house, water runs through the pipes when we turn on a valve, we are heated adequately in the cold of winter, our garbage is picked up for us, our phones work, the electricity in our homes and businesses work and we can call 911 when something is wrong, we will do nothing as a majority. Shut these services off and watch what the people do then. These essential services are going to get very lean because money is the only thing that keeps these things operational. We are broke and it will catch up to us soon.

If at some time in the near future we have to watch grandma freeze to death in the winter and we can't do anything about it, the worms will turn. We as a people are going to have to suffer before we get what is happening to us clear in our minds as a nation. Right now Americans by and large are comfortable and they are not under any major threat except from their own governments. When more of the government's jack-booted thugs begin to harass its own people and the comforts we enjoy on a personal level begins to slip to enough of us, then, and only then will the people come together as a united group and that's when the real changes will happen to America. That is when we will fight back as a whole country. The traitors among us will remain traitors and one by one we will catch them, and each one of them will suffer what they justly deserve.

I'm an old guy. I have seen much in terms of negative changes to my country happen. I would never have believed thirty years ago my country would turn into the biggest terrorist nation on earth. We are worse than Russia and China. Today we try to shove what we call democracy down the throats of other nations. We try to force them to vote the way we want them to. When all else fails, we boycott them, if that doesn't work we bomb them into hamburger. When are Americans going to get it, we have not been threatened by another country with the exception of Cuba since world war Two ended? And yet, we have been continuously at war since 1955.

Our politics have changed, we have accepted communism as an alternative to freedom, we have allowed people to embrace environmentalism as a new religion and they have traded our freedom to work where and when we please and have shut down our factories and industries to save fish, birds and other species which have nearly bankrupted our country. We have allowed our national treasury that we filled to the brim to be squandered supporting dictatorships and our enemies. As a result, our plentitudes have been exhausted and our infrastructure has suffered because we no longer have the money to fix our own country up. Yet we allow illegals to flood into our lands and to bring infectious diseases with them. They live better than some of our middle class and Americans are paying for it.

We are close to the breaking point and when we reach bottom in the land of milk and honey and there are no more beans and rice to feed us all, we will revolt and we will in all probability kill a lot of our enemies for doing to us what whole nations have never been able to do in the past. So, people such as those we who have been indoctrinating our children in the schools, and those who have allowed our freedoms to be taken away from us who we trusted to put in our offices to help us as a nation and as a people and to those who have been spouting the communist doctrines through the entertainment media and through the news outlets, they will suffer the full force of what the people will deliver to them. One only has to reflect on what happened to Mussolini and his mistress to see what anger can and will do to those who betray the rest of us.


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It is going to take something big to get people stirred up

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