vendredi 3 juillet 2020

Firearms display or Bear spray or CS in conjunction with a firearm:

After watching this video:

I Think I'm going to send some large cans of CS or bear spray to several people (particularly female family members.) I've given them small cans, and in some cases guns, but the visual of the size may help.

I didn't put it in the "non firearms" thread because I'm talking about using it in CONJUNCTION With your firearm. (Most likely physically display for deterrent purposes before resulting drawing your pistol.) But possibly standing with a longarm, with the spray held in the offhand. And/or the need to draw your weapon and the potential consequences of doing so.

So, just like you train to transition from rifle to pistol... People need to "work with" this too.

These anarchists and criminals are TRYING to elicit a response they can use against us (you'll notice in the video the "**** the police" "defund the police" etc types immediately go to "call the police")

...they don't REALLY want no police, then we would start playing "Cowboys and criminals" and this threat would be gone in a week.

Just like a small fixed blade is sometimes the answer... Sometimes a firearm is not, or a different Deterrent is needed.

I'm sure it's gonna be God awful expensive right now, but they (people) are worth it.

I'll also look into vehicle mounting brackets. Anyone got a source they like?

I'm pretty sure USCCA insurance would cover this (video) but I'm going to check.

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Firearms display or Bear spray or CS in conjunction with a firearm:

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