Today, with the turmoil, unrest, and push of tyranny from the far left in this great nation, home of the free and the brave, in peril from a socialist, leftist invasion from within, this July 4th, our Independence Day, what better way to remember our forefathers, our founders, than to watch The Patriot. Though a fictional account based on historical facts, let it remind us that freedom isn't free, and that this nation was built on the sacrifice, courage, blood, and lives of those patriots of the thirteen colonies of our Revolutionary War, who stood tall against an unbeatable foe, and founded a nation unlike any in history. Let us pray to our God that we won't have to do it again, but if it comes, let us pray that we have the courage, conviction, and resolve to fight as they did. God Bless America!!! Happy Independence Day Everyone!!!!!
July 4th, Independence Day
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